Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Girl With the Scarf of Moon and Stars

I see her every day when I walk down the hall after music class. With the music still ringing in my ears, I scan the halls for her, waiting for the moment when I'll be able to catch that one brief glimpse of her. And every day when I see her smiling, with that beautiful scarf draped over her head like the night sky over earth, the music rises to a joyous crescendo, and my heart races and soars like a bird during its first flight.

Last week, she spoke to me. It was the day before Halloween, and she stopped me in the hall to admire my angel costume--an elegant, sparkly white dress and a halo.
"Oh, how pretty!" she exclaimed, and in that moment, my heart skipped a beat. I smiled and thanked her, and she waved to me as she walked away.

The other day, she looked so sad...I wanted to wrap my arms around her and tell her that whatever it was, it would be okay, and I would protect her so no one could ever make her beautiful smile go away again.

But I know I cannot. We're from two different worlds, and as much as I like to dream about being with her, I know it can never be.

Sometimes I think that it's an unhealthy obsession I have to look at her every day, stealing glances and trying to assess her emotion that day, trying to figure out what her world is like. Maybe it is unhealthy, but without this daily ritual, I am unsatisfied.

Today, I am scanning the halls again for her radiant smile...but to no avail. Feverishly, I scan the halls again to make sure I didn't miss her. I run around, panicking. She is not here. Frantic thoughts run through my mind as to where she could be. As the bell rings and I rush to my next class, I abandon my search for her. I hope against hope that my love is okay.

I don't even know her name...
