Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Man Who Became a Mouse: Part Four

Which was, quite literally, a hole in the wall.

It was dimly lit, small, and very cramped. There were barrels of cheese and breadcrumbs, and a few tables and chairs with mouse-like creatures at them, playing cards and eating snacks. There were also a few beds, a mirror, and a small kitchen area where some of the female mice were making cheese sandwiches.

Peyton gestured for him to sit down at one of the chairs, so he did. Glancing over, he saw himself in the mirror and yelped.

What he saw was not a pretty sight--he was a mouse!

He was light brown with beady black eyes, whiskers, big ears, paws, and a tail--all the physical traits of a common mouse.

He looked down, inspecting his paws to see if they were real. He grabbed his tail and whimpered, and began to sob. I'm so ugly! he thought. What has happened to me?!

"Close the door, Peyton dearie--it's a bit drafty," said one of the older female mice.

Peyton closed the oddly-shaped door and sat down beside Gracie.

"Wha's the matter?" he asked, concerned.
"I'm a bloody mouse, Peyton! That's what's the matter!" he replied angrily, standing up.
The older female mouse chuckled. "Well, I'm a mouse, too, but you don't see me getting all emotional."
"But I'm a mouse!" he cried, jumping up and down. "I'm a filthy, cheese-eating, crumb-stealing mouse!"

Everyone in the room got quiet and stared at him. "What's so wrong with that?" one of them demanded.

He calmed a bit, tugging at his whiskers nervously. "Nothing at all," he replied, sitting back down. Everyone went back to what they were doing.

"Peyton, dearie...who's your guest?" asked the older lady mouse.
"Oh, tha's jus'--err--what did ye say yer name was again?" inquired Peyton.
"Gracie," he mumbled.
"What did you say, sweetheart?" she asked.
"Gracie," he replied again, still too hard for them to hear.
"I'm sorry, I can't hear you--you need to speak up."

Gracie stood up, climbed onto the table, and shouted, "My name is Gracie, alright?!"

Everyone grew silent and stared at him as he sat down. Then:

"Haha! His name is Gracie?! That's a girl's name!" someone shouted.

Everyone except Gracie's table roared with laughter.

Just then, there was a loud pounding at the door. Everyone became quiet again.

Then the door swung open...

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