Monday, September 21, 2009

The Man Who Became a Mouse: Part Six

Inside was what appeared to be the bloody, foul-smelling remains of what appeared to have once been a mouse; however, these remains were so mangled that the gender and features were hardly recognizable.

He closed the bag and shuddered. The sight and smell was enough to make him gag.

"Who--" started the older lady mouse, but the newly arrived lady mouse silenced her with one paw.

"Hawkins," she said quietly. "Muricide."

"Oh, dearie..." cooed the older lady mouse, hugging her tightly, her eyes welling up with tears. "Sophie, sweetheart....I'm so sorry."

The bartender handed her a drink. "Here, this one's on the house."

Sophie held the drink to her lips with one trembling paw, drinking deeply, trying to forget herself and all that had happened.

The barkeep smiled sadly and handed her another as soon as she had downed the first.

"I know how you feel, Soph," said the barkeep sympathetically. "He was close to me, too. He was family to each and every one of us."

The older lady mouse walked to the other end of the bar and motioned for him to follow, so he did. "Please keep an eye on our Sophie, will you, Shanks? I'm a bit worried for her," she whispered.

He nodded. "I'm sure we all are, Mrs. Scroggins."

Mrs. Scroggins got up onto the counter. All eyes turned to face her. The room was deathly silent.

"Everyone..." she addressed them solemnly. "A great tragedy has befallen us. We have lost one of our own...a part of our family. I ask that all of you bow your heads for a moment of silence."

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